Friday, September 22, 2006

Missing again?

Yeah, and I have good cause. I'm going to move into an apartment soon! I'm scheduled to meet with the landlords to sign paperwork tomorrow evening after work, and hopefully I'll start moving stuff in immediately after that. I'll still be at my sister's here for at least part of the week. I still have to figure out what my internet set-up will be. I may be scarce on-line in the meantime as I work over-time and try to get stuff moved in and taken care of.

Saturday I go in early (a good thing) so that I can take care of the carts we had to ignore tonight due to the lightning and heavy rain. It will mean more time before meeting with the landlord to pack my van full of stuff from my storage unit. I need to get that compeletly emptied before the end of the month so I don't have to pay for it any more.


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