Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I don't believe that I have published this here before, but if I have please bear with me. I was just looking through my poems today (which regretably I haven't written in quite a while) and found a couple of my favourites. They are free verse and just a tad engimatic. I hope you enjoy. The dashes indicate where the lines should be indented, but Blogger isn't fully cooperative.

Beguiling, truth beckons with outstretched arms,
- Seen through a mist, can this be real?
Is duplicity concealed beneath the laugh?
- May honesty be mistaken for guile?
Does truth of another sort lurk?
- Colouring vision and perception.
Can a lie be in the seeing?
- Desperately believing more than truth.
Will resolution forever be elusive?
- As courage flees before the wind.
Does innocence betray the truth or the lie?
- Does self-deception battle Veritas for the crown?

Dragon Spawn
Does a lie stare back,
- And whisper your name?
Does a lie softly promise,
- You will never be forgotten?
Can the truth be so painful?
- Waves of crashing agony.


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