Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Thanksgiving forecast

Today is my last day at my day job this week. This does mean a bit lower paycheck, but I'm not complaining too much as I'll enjoy the time off. Friday (besides sleeping after staying up all night at Best Buy) will be my first completely work-free day in far too long. Thursday though I do have to work at bigg's since I've already committed to Titanic for Sunday the 24th of December--at least the shift only goes until 18:00. However, I assume I'll miss Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's place (unless she wants to wait for Friday to hold it? *hint* *hint*) as I'll probably head directly to Best Buy from bigg's.

I wish I were flying out to California this weekend though, it would be a good time to enjoy more time out there. Yet I have to keep up the now three year (if nothing goes wrong tomorrow) tradition of Best Buy line camping and I'm also helping to supervise Titanic this Saturday as the supervisor has to fill in elsewhere (like me she has multiple jobs and multiple positions at the Museum Center). I'll just try to wring what enjoyment I can out of the holiday, ;-).


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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