Thursday, November 09, 2006

Your Vote Does Count!

And if only a few more Republicans in Virginia had voted...

We wouldn't be facing the prospect of
Bolton's non-confirmation (or his second recess appointment, which means no pay for him) and an difficult Supreme Court Justice fight. At least the Democrats don't hav
e anything more than the slimmest of majorities (okay, technically a 50/50 split with Cheney casting deciding votes would be the slimmest of majorities, but let's not split hairs) so all they could do would be to keep blocking good candidates. They couldn't force the President to have to nominate a nut like Ginsberg or unknown like Miers to fill an void on the bench. But there is nothing I can do about that now. I voted, but didn't get a chance to cast a ballot for the US Senate. Thankfully my congressman (a Republican) was re-elected (Geoff Davis)!

On the work front I'm really enjoying Titanic (though as of yet I've only worked two days). Tonight I start filling in as a temporary supervisor (I'll do this for a couple weekends in December as well) and I'm looking forward to that. Here is an example of one of the artifacts that we have in the exhibit as well as how it looked on the seabed. You can access these pictures (not specific to any one instance of the exhibit) at the RMS Titanic website.

It is so fascinating to walk through the exhibit and see not only the room and hallway recreations (the boiler room area is awesome!) but seeing all of these artifacts and knowing that they were 2.5 miles down in the Atlantic for over eighty years! This just seems more real than many other artifact displays.

Okay, break is over, I'm back to work.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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