Monday, December 18, 2006

Can I redo that?

Lunch didn't go so well today.  As I only had a few minutes in my apartment to change before I left for work today (thanks again for picking me up Chris) an hour late (but I leave an hour late as well) I decided to shower instead of packing a lunch.  I instead took some leftovers out of my freezer--a chicken and rice casserole dish that I'd saved for use as a meal when I didn't feel like cooking, or didn't have time.

The problems started when I got to the break room at lunch time today.  The food was still frozen, so I read my book while I put it on defrost.  Perhaps ten minutes later it was finally defrosted and heated up--but I'd had to test and stir it several times while readjusting the microwave settings.  Then just as I was carrying it back to my table the container slipped out of my hands and the food spilled all over the floor.  A guy looked up and asked if I'd lost my lunch.  When I replied in the affirmative he pronounced that it "must be Monday."

Now, after spending five more minutes cleaning up the mess on the floor I had to turn to the vending machines.  I had a slice of apple pie from my parent's in my lunch container, but I wanted more.  I ended up spending most of the cash I had on me (which is unusual, I don't usually carry cash) on a chicken sandwich and chips.  *sigh*  It wasn't bad, but it didn't have ketchup!  :(  I would rather have eaten the chicken that I didn't have to pay further for, but I didn't have that option.  Oh well...


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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