Friday, December 15, 2006

Jimmy Carter

He isn't one of my favourite ex-presidents.  FDR is one of my least-favourite presidents, but he never got a chance to be an ex-president.  He just screwed up the response to the Great Depression and we have only Hitler and Tojo to thank for our extrication.  But back to the Georgia peanut farmer.  Yes, he is perhaps a nice man personally who has been teaching Sunday School for years, but that has absolutely nothing to do with my criticism.  I don't much like Bill Clinton personally, but I'll admit that he didn't do too badly with some things.

Jimmy Carter first of all cannot get it through his head that everybody doesn't want his advice.  He continually buts in and visits countries like Cuba, pre-invasion Iraq, and North Korea in naive attempts to talk to their leaders.  But the best comes with his most recent book.  You'll find a good column concerning the book here at Jewish World Review.

Apparently Israelis (who have been continually attacked and murdered since 1948) are to blame for the current crisis.  He compares their treatment of the Palestinians (a term which really has no meaning since Jordan controlled the West Bank and Egypt Gaza after those and other Arab nations invaded Israel in 1948--there NEVER has been a Palestinian Arab state--due to the Arabs, NOT the Jews I might add) to apartheid in South Africa. does that mesh with the many Arab Israeli citizens and even members of Parliament!

Who is it that deliberately murders innocents (not just as accidental collateral damage)?  Hmmm...oh yes, the terrorist groups Hezbollah and Hamas and their adherents.  Israel has many times offered to work with them if they will renounce violence and recognize its right to exist, but these efforts are always rebuffed.  I guess Jimmy Carter is blind to this and must persist in blaming the Israelis.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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