Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Last night

It was nice not to be at bigg's last night, but I didn't get done as much as I would have liked.  I spent the entire evening at my sister's place.  It was nice to relax, but I'd had some thoughts about getting some cleaning-up done at my place.  Instead I at dinner with my sister's family (she does a good job with taco salad), watched a movie with the kids (while Laurie and Brett went out to get stuff for St. Nicholas Day which they'd forgotten about until then), downloaded programs for my PDA, and washed a couple loads of laundry.  Because I was busy on the computer and waiting for the laundry I didn't get home until around midnight.

What I really need is next Sunday evening off where I said I could cover for someone at bigg's (though I fervently hope that I don't have to).  I can clean stuff out of my place then and just drop it directly by the street as trash pick-up is the next day.  Any other time it doesn't make sense to move it since I have too many boxes to fit in the apartment building's trash barrel.  Of course until I get my bedroom cleaned out my new couch can't move in there and I'm stuck with a very crowded living room.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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