Sunday, December 24, 2006

Too busy?

Well I wasn't busy until all hours yesterday, but I did forget to blog. I have access to e-mail on my PDA at the Museum (I love free wireless networks!) but it just slipped my mind. Tonight I was over at my sister's place to eat and watch It's a Wonderful Life (their family tradition every Christmas Eve). It was a good evening. I'm looking forward to the morning, even if I've already unwrapped all my presents from my parent's when I was at their place last weekend.


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  1. I adore It's a Wonderful Life! My family doesn't like it, though. They don't like White Christmas, either. Isn't that awful!?

    ~ Julie

  2. White Christmas? Is that a movie from which the song came or in which the song was used? If so I've never seen it, but if you recomend it I might have to find it.
