Friday, December 22, 2006

Where have all the bloggers gone?

I realize that forcing myself to post at least once per day I am setting a schedule that most others I know never intend to meet. However, it seems that all around me blogs are dying. Mark used to be the gold standard that I aspired to, faithfully blogging three days a week. Lately though he has trailed off.

I tried to get my mom to type a blog, even explaining that she could post via e-mail, but it died a long time ago. Other blogs have trailed off or died. My nephew has gone through a couple blogs, then stopped updating his current one once the holiday season hit at Thanksgiving.

Then of course you have post like I promise never to bug Matt about not posting again from Julie, ;-). Now don't get me wrong, I'm not making fun of any of these people or ridiculing them. I'm just slightly depressed that I don't have blogs to keep up with, at least not like I used to. Oh well, perhaps some of it is due to the holidays and it might get better in January.


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  1. I'm still her. I just lurk instead of post.

    Btw, O Brother is one of my favorite movies. I think it's the "We-though-you-was-a-toad!" scene that does it.

  2. Ah, I wasn't sure if you were around as I hadn't seen you comment. Cool.

    Yes, that scene was fantastic.

  3. Go ahead. Tease me about my post title :-P! And my sad absence is perfectly justified. Well, ok. Partially justified. My laptop died, and i haven't fixed it yet. And it's cold in the basement where the other computer is. After all, it is winter. *grin *! But i will say that i've missed catching up on everyone's news, too. Perhaps it will get better soon!!

    ~ Julie
