Monday, January 15, 2007


I need to clean.  Saturday I was busy with the Museum, movie, and dinner, and yesterday I was either at church or my sister's place.  I really need to find some free time to clean things up and finally get rid of my Christmas decorations.  As much as I enjoyed having me decorations up, I'm ready for them to be gone and packed away until another year.

In this vein I need to find some free time to stop by St. Vincent de Paul and see if they have any useful furniture.  I'm not sure what I could fit into my living room, but I might be able to find something that could work better than something I have now.  Eventually I need to find a desk that is actually big enough for what I need (but that can wait).  Right now I need a bit more book space and some drawers/shelves to put things now stacked or on the floor.  I'm not sure what I'm looking for, but I think I'll know when I find it.

In the middle of this I need to get some sleep.  I haven't been getting enough lately.  I still operate and work at work, but getting up is harder.  I'm finding it way too easy to sleep in and do everything (shower, pack lunch, get dressed) at the very last minute or second.  I would much rather have some time to eat breakfast, wash any dishes, and relax for a few minutes.  It would even be nice to be able to get up early enough that on a few days I could swing by McDonald's for one of their delicious breakfast meals.

In other news (and I know I've mentioned this many other times) I'm really getting tired of bigg's.  I need to closely examine my budget and see if I really need the job.  If I can get by without it and try to find another I'm seriously considering it--or even if I can get by without another.  I would dearly love to have my evenings free.  It would make dinner and cleaning much easier.  Plus I wouldn't feel pressured to squeeze so much into every weekend.  They wanted me to work some weekend days coming up and I pretty much said no (but felt guilty).

On one hand I dislike bigg's enough that I don't want to spoil a completely free day (like Sunday) working there, especially when that is half my weekend.  On the other hand I feel some loyalty to be as flexible as I usually try to be at work.  On the third hand, part of the reason my weekends are so full is that I try to spend time with my sister (I hate being alone at my apartment for hours when they're just across the street).  I think I would do that less exclusively on weekend nights if I had other nights free to spread my time out.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. You must have grown that third hand since the last time i made it out ;)!

    ~ Julie

  2. Yes, it is quite the sight.
