Sunday, January 21, 2007

Focused Ramblings from Snowy Northern Kentucky

Not that I'm really complaining, since I have enjoyed the mild winter, but last night (early this morning really) we had our first real snowfall of the entire winter! The roads were bad this morning so I didn't go to church--my two nerfs that had stayed over helped me fix breakfast and we ate a bit late. I always enjoy having them over. Then I came over to my sister's place and have stayed over here the whole day download podcast files.

My brother-in-law just left on a trip to Rome and my sister went with them. She promised to bring me back a postcard--I hope she remembers. I asked Chris to bring me a postcard when he went to Spain earlier this year and it made a nice (cheap) souvenir. If you're interested in Rome though I'll offer you this tidbit. This is a National Geographic Walks of a Lifetime podcast. I've listened to several of these and they were excellent. I'm sure they're even better when you're actually there. Without any further ado here is a walking tour of Rome (right click and 'Save as' or 'Save Target as' to save to your computer).

I'll leave you with some pictures of the snow before I head upstairs to watch some television. The Sci-Fi Channel starts the Dresden Files tonight. I've just started reading the books and the show looks interesting.


PS Apologies to Mark for the title, ;-).


  1. I really do need to blog, don't I? You'll see what I plan to do with my title myself when I do.

  2. I wondered about your reply to my question when you said "today's blog post" on Friday--and even past midnight PST there wasn't anything. I'm glad to know that I'm not crazy, you're just taking your time.
