Monday, January 08, 2007


I think I already have another poem by this title, in which case one of them will need to be renamed. However, at this time I cannot find the other one even though I thought I had all backed up on my PDA. I wrote this poem yesterday at church. The service included no sermon, but was a "concert of praise" including many songs and scripture readings. It really got me thinking, and this poetry was the result.


In the heart of rampant battle,

We bloody the image of God.

Yet He was ever I AM.

In the peace of calmest day,

We celebrate sin's depravity.

Still He will be I AM.

In the service of grateful praise,

We practice polished hypocrisy.

And He remains I AM.

In the midst of abundant blessings,

We ignore burning bushes.

Always and ever He is I AM.

He is Alpha, source of life.

He is Omega, perfect justice.

He is I AM, God omnipotent.


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  1. What?!?

    Oh, on second though, do you mean "boo" as in "surprise" rather than "boo" as in "that's bad?"

    I'm not sure why the first came to mind first, but I'll assume you mean the later.


  2. Nice, Matt. Very well done.
