Friday, January 19, 2007


I am not looking forward to this weekend.  I agreed to work at bigg's on Sunday from 16:00-22:00 (I told them I didn't want to do a full eight hours).  Sure my paycheck will be a big bigger, but that means I don't get my normal day that is completely off.  I really need to get all of my laundry done.  My last few loads have only been stopgap measures.  I'd really like to do it all and then stay on top of it.

Hopefully I'll be able to leave Titanic a bit earlier tomorrow than I have been, just because otherwise I won't have much free time at all this weekend.  Next weekend they wanted me to work bigg's on Saturday and I said no--I'm already booked at the Museum and I won't give that up for bigg's--especially when they knew I don't work Saturdays and gave the day off to two other people--leaving only two effectives when you really need three to cover an entire day.  I try to be flexible, but I'm not going to go to an extreme especially when it would keep me away from the museum for two weeks.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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