Thursday, February 01, 2007

Vehicular Update

I haven't connected with the other guy's insurance yet, but I need to and soon.  I just discovered yesterday that my rear door is jammed shut as a result of the accident!  I only discovered this when I tried to open the door, and failed.  Unfortunately I did partially succeed and the sensor was jarred so the car thinks the door is open and won't turn out interior lights.  This was annoying, but I have a new battery, and when I noticed it yesterday I thought I could fix the problem before my battery was in danger of running low.  Then my nephew Ryan asked me to run him out to a soccer game last night.

Again I didn't think anything of the light, until I started to back up into the night and I realized that it would be difficult to drive with the light on constantly.  This is an especial problem for me as I leave for work while it is dark out and return from my second job after the sun has again set.  Completely forgetting that the light had been on for hours I pulled off the cover and tried to pull the bulb out with my fingers.  Needless to say my index finger now sports a burn.  Ryan had food from McDonalds and he put some ice into a cup I had there and I kept pieces of ice against the finger all the way to the sports complex and back, driving one-handed.

I did manage to disable the bulb with my key--but that is just one more thing I'll have to replace.  I'm afraid though of mounting costs.  Will the insurance company not think my van is worth repairing and simply want to total it?  I could live with a broken bumper and live without a hitch--but without a functional back door I've lost much of the reason for having a van--ample storage.  It is shocking how suddenly things can change.  A couple days ago my car was okay, it just needs an oil change soon.  Now I'm looking at the possibility that it could be considered totaled and I'd end up with too little money and no time to hunt for a car--let alone the means to find another one like this van that fits my needs so well.



"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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