Thursday, March 15, 2007

Feliz Cumpleaños

One of the best birthday presents I received yesterday didn't cost very much at all. Chris was just out in Colorado and he found a good used book. I was quite happy to discover that it wasn't one of the ones I already had (or contained in the treasuries).

Something Under the Bed is Drooling was only the second Calvin and Hobbes book published. :-) I'm slowly re-reading it and came across something that I had to blog about. I know there were many reoccurring plot details, but if you ever read the strip can you forget Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs? The picture I'm looking at shows Calvin and Hobbes sitting in an easy chair. Hobbes is sticking his tongue out at a bowl of cereal while Calvin has swirly eyes and is eagerly munching while he rots his brains out watching TV.

Here I leave you with what Wikipedia claims is Calvin's first in-strip consumption of the delectable cereal in question. I really only enjoy Cheerios, but I could sure go for a bowl of CFSBs and several scoops of sugar some mornings!



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