Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Perfect Oportunity?

What may be the perfect employment opportunity has just presented itself to me--or at least I've been made aware of the possibilities.  It is a "guest services" position at the soon to open Answers in Genesis Creation Museum here in Northern Kentucky!  This appears to be quite similar to what I do at the Museum Center at Union Terminal.

Coupling my over two years of experience doing that with my commitment to Creation I hope that I at least have a shot at being interviewed.  I took the first step of telling them of my interest via the AIG website.  Not I just have to wait for the HR individual to return my message and I can send off my resume, cover letter, and other documents.

I would appreciate prayers.  At first glance this looks like a perfect opportunity (though I don't know what the job pays).  I don't hate where I am now--but it isn't what I want to be doing in ten years if they end up hiring my on full-time.  Of course they might just string me along as a temp for months.  This wouldn't be so bad but I don't have health insurance and I need to keep working at bigg's.

I'm getting quite tired of that and having no life.  No Saturdays free because I choose to work at the Museum Center is one thing.  Having no nights free because I have to slave away at bigg's is quite another altogether!


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. We will be praying for you.


  2. I will definately keep you in my prayers!
