Sunday, March 18, 2007

Satan isn't the main focus

This is the main point of our current sermon series on Spiritual Warfare.  Yes Satan is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking those whom he may devour--but his power is severely constrained and limited by God.  He isn't allpowerful like God--the two sides aren't equal.  He is God's creature and can do nothing without the permission of God (look at the book of Job).

Pastor Brad makes the point that we shouldn't focus on exorcism of demons or other anti-demon topics that may be popular.  We should go back to Scripture instead.  The best way to fight the influence of Satan is to fight that which he exploits--our flesh.  We should fight against sin and its influence.  We should pray.  These are the bread and butter of spiritual warfare--not naming demons and casting them out.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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