Saturday, March 31, 2007

Wonderful Morning

This morning was great.  One of my nephews slept over.  I woke up early and dozed back to sleep.  At some point I heard my nephew get up, and he went out to my living room and started quietly watching DVDs.  I eventually got up a bit before eight, came out and finished up my work for church tomorrow (I put the song slides together).

Then I had plenty of time to cook an omelet for breakfast, take a shower, fix my lunch, and still have a couple minutes to watch the DVD that my nephew was enjoying.  I didn't really feel rushed before I had to leave around 9:15.

It was quite relaxing and not a bad way to start the day, especially when I knew it would be a good day at work.  I wish that more of my days were like this, but I don't want to get up at five or five thirty, so I only leave a half-hour to get up and get ready each morning.  What with returning from my night job so late I just need time to unwind at night and would rather cut sleep than never have any weekday free time.

I am getting tired of it (as I've mentioned far too often)--but that is why I'm hoping that at the very least I can interview for the Answers in Genesis position.  But anyway, I don't mind working so early when it give me more time before my night job (taking fifteen to twenty minutes to go home, fifteen to twenty to get to the other job and thus only having twenty or fewer minutes wasn't fun when I first started this crazy routine).  However, once I can hopefully settle down to one day job and the Museum for fun on the weekends I would definitely not mind a later start time!


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

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