Thursday, April 12, 2007

Can I Explain?

Well it seems that at least one person was confused by my blog entry last night. I'm not sure why. I was just trying to communicate information about my latest job offerings. I can provide you with more information at this time, courtesy of the diabolical Julie. Here if the full recruitment pitch. Oh, I did edit the transcript slightly to include some informative and interesting links. Check some of them out, especially the multiple Colorado links!

Julie: Message: Mr. Graubner we are pleased to announce that you have been accepted into despot training STOP we will expect to hear from you as soon as is feasible STOP we hope that you will accept our scholarship offer STOP
me: Oh, I like telegrams like this!
When do I start?
Julie: right away!
but you have to travel back in time to a country who needs a despot first.
I could be a good Colorado despot!
Julie: i don't think Colorado is currently on our list.
me: Why not Colorado? I like California, but Colorado has some great scenery. I could build a nice mansion somewhere on the Mesa. Oh, what about turning Land's End into a waterfall? Is that a good despotic project?
Julie: That would be an excellent project. I like your initiative. I'll talk with the current despot of Colorado (otherwise known as the congress) and see if i can get you an internship.
They may deny your request, however. They truly enjoy inflicting their own tyranny.
me: Yeah, well they've had more practice. It isn't really fair the head start they have.
Julie: I agree. But since it's a despotism, i have no grounds to protest.
It's part of the rules.
me: But I think a successful coup d'etat might get me a passing grade.
I've made preparations.
Julie: Very good! You even have a media for propaganda! This is even better than we'd hoped.
me: I even have a group of people brainwashed into following me. They get their instructions from an on-line message board--little do they understand the subliminal messages I programmed into its code!
Julie: Mr. Graubner, you may be able to test out of these classes at this rate. I will try to push a recommendation through to the upper level training commander that you be moved through the ranks as soon as possible!
me: That sounds acceptable to me.
Send me more information in the morning, right now I must go to my beauty sleep so that I make plot more dastardly deeds on the morrow (and continue in my efforts to memorize the Evil Overlord List!).
Julie: As you wish.


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