Tuesday, April 24, 2007

In Which I Borrow a Car

Doesn't that sound like a good episode or chapter title? Unfortunately it is true to life. My car wasn't doing so well as I started to drive home, with the brakes acting a bit strange. I called my brother-in-law for advice and he said to go ahead and come home, just go slow and keep back from other cars. I did this, but was still a bit nervous.

Today I borrowed his mom's car, and she said I could also use it tonight to get to bigg's. I'm not yet sure what tomorrow holds. I could borrow my brother-in-law's truck if I could drive stick, but unfortunately I cannot, and I don't really have enough time to learn. He did say that he would try to arrange for the repair shop he uses to take a look at my van. It has been abused greatly and I feel horrible for how it looks now compared to how nice it looked when my parents owned it.

Granted, it hasn't all been my fault, but still, I can't help but feel guilty, especially for the bit of damage I did cause by scraping the wall of my garage. But as my mom reminded me last night this is why I have a savings account. Of course unless you're saving for something special or a vacation you don't really want to spend that account--but sometimes you need to, and this will probably be one of those times.


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