Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Noodle exercise

I was out running around with my nephew Chase tonight when we stopped by Wal-Mart for a couple things.  I'm always looking for good games.  After I called Chris to confirm that he would play a game tonight I purchased Cranium.  We managed to get in two games before midnight, with the teams tied.  Hopefully we'll play a tie-breaker tomorrow or the night after.  I've played the game before, but it has been a few years.  I think the last time I played might have been at a history major get together at Dr. Frazer's house.  That was a fun evening as I remember Dr. Stead playing.  He had to act like some famous woman and we were all cracking up watching him.

On the job front things are going very well.  Yesterday the Creation Museum opened with much fanfare.  We had over 4,000 guests (with many long lines) and a paltry 30-50 protesters across the road.  Yeah, they didn't really manage to do anything.  To be fair I don't think they even tried to disrupt anything inside the building, just waved their signs across the road.  It is a free country, they have their right to free speech and I do not begrudge them that.

I am a show host, which means that I am responsible for introducing shows in our theaters and getting the programs started.  I have become somewhat of the staff expert on the Planetarium (#7 when you click the link) as I was in there the first day when Dr. Lisle explained its workings.  Today I was stationed in the Last Adam (about Christ) Theater at the end of the museum tour, but before I headed down there I helped to train the Planetarium staff, only one of which had worked there previously.

If you do go through the walk through, please keep in mind that it was apparently completed sometime before the Museum was, as several concepts have changed.  Numbers 32 and 33 are now combined as a theater presentation in the Last Adam theater.  Starting today the Special Effects Theater has been renamed the Men in White theater after the show that it houses.  I'm sure that may change eventually (it certainly isn't tied to the exact current show), but that would be quite a while down the road.  I have heard that there are two completed Planetarium shows, but currently we only show one.  I don't have any inside information on when we might switch or start offering both.

Well I should get to bed now.  I went to bed early (by 23:00) last night, and yet I woke up early and had to toss and turn and doze fore more than an hour until it was actually time to get up.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

1 comment:

  1. Do we call you Johnny Carson now?

    Congrats on a sweet job!
