Tuesday, May 01, 2007

They should know better

The next time Tim Minear has a great idea for a TV show I dearly hope he goes to somebody other than FOX!!!  There have now been two shows produced by Tim and starring Nathan Fillian that FOX has canceled, Firefly and Drive.  I don't think that I have any respect left for the network.  they certainly don't have any other shows that I watch.

At least Firefly got a few more episodes.  I thought that Drive was fascinating and it had hooked me in from the very start.  Then it is canceled after four episodes with the news that the last two episodes may air during the summer.  Please, someone just keep the idiotic Fox executives away from any good show concepts.  They're sure to make hash of them and/or murder them prematurely.  *sigh*

I didn't realize it had been canceled until I finally realized this evening that I couldn't find a place on the official site to play the episode that I thought aired last night.  Instead I watched the episode of Heroes, and was really looking forward to relaxing in front of an hour of Drive only to have that hope cruelly snatched away.  Darn you Fox!!


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. Tim was only a showrunner on Firefly. It was really the brain child of Joss Weadon of Buffy and Angel fame.

    I think I've told you that if Fox had let them air the original pilot, I think I would have gotten into Firefly. They way they went about it, I stopped watching because I couldn't get into it. Of course, I hate how Joss ends things. I am so over him.

    Still, it had incredibly low numbers. Any other network would have canceled the show, too.

    Not that this makes me happy. I loved that show!

  2. I suppose I should have been clearer. I knew that Joss was the brains behind Firefly, but I also remember Tim's name thrown around quite a bit as a producer on that show (he also wrote or helped write at least one episode), hence my mention of his involvement along with Nathan's.

    The thing about shows like this is that you have to watch from the start to get into the involved storylines (at least as much as I like to be involved), though free viewing on-line helps (thank you networks). But when you do that you don't know if they'll still be around.

    Many people thought that Lost with the most expensive pilot in history would flop. Granted I came into that late with you (that darn Mira Furlan ;-)(sp?)), but still...

    I understand that numbers drive advertisers and TV executives, but so many promising shows seem to die early. It is a shame for the medium.

