Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ireland Queries

Yeah, I'm just home from the bar.  I think it was the first time I'd actually stepped foot in a bar.  But let me explain first.

Several of my co-workers from the Cincinnati Museum Center get together each Tuesday at a Cincinnati bar called Molly Malone's.  This is Trivia Night.  I couldn't participate for the longest time because I worked evenings and on the very rare instance I had Tuesday off I was either busy or didn't really want to go anywhere.  Now I just have Bible Study every other Tuesday, so I decided that I would finally attend when I can.  It was great fun, and I think that our team tied for fourth place.

Do you know the only winner of the Triple Crown with the name of a US city in its name?  I did.  This horse was the last living Triple Crown winner until it died a couple of years ago.  Seattle Slew.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. You went to a bar? What kind of college did you attend????

    Who has never gone to a bar after an ultimate Frisbee game ever.

  2. Sure, and it was an Irish bar. Did you enjoy a pint of Guinness? (They serve it in pints?)
