Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Deer in the Headlights

I really know what this expression means now.  It was dark by the time I got off work tonight.  The freeway is only two lanes out by the museum, so I was driving along in the right hand lane, safely with my lights on.  All of a sudden I saw a deer in my headlights!  True to form it didn't move or even seem to react to my headlights or oncoming car.  I'm so thankful that the lane to my left was empty.  I hit the brakes and swerved into that lane to pull around the dumb animal.  I looked in my rearview mirror and didn't see anyone come to a screeching stop, so I assume that the deer survived and wasn't hit by another automobile.  I was a bit shaken for a few moments, but nothing too bad.  I really can understand the expression now.  I know it was only a few seconds, but it seemed as if the deer was frozen forever.


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are okay. The freakiest deer story I ever heard is one about a deer on a bridge in our area that spans a canyon. This time, a car started to cross the bridge and the deer jumped the fence. Only, it wasn't a fence at all, it was the guard rail on the bridge and the deer jumped into the canyon.
