Friday, November 30, 2007


Yeah, I was back for a couple of posts, then I neglected this again.  I need to get back in the habit.  Hey, wasn't that the tag-line for Sister Act II?  Well I'm definitely not going to be a nun (or pretend to be one), but I like the habit of blogging.  I certainly read enough other blogs.  In my downtime at work I'm really enjoying pulling out my PDA.  I'll log onto the free wireless network and read political blogs.  For a while I couldn't keep up with posts--now I'm running out of them.

Work is going well--amazing actually.  Our numbers have dropped off come the week after Thanksgiving, but I'm optimistic that the doldrums won't remain forever.  Tomorrow should be our last big Saturday for a while.  For some reason people don't want to schedule many groups in the dead of winter or this close to Christmas.  Go figure...  Tomorrow I am in the Planetarium, which is always cause for celebration.  The Planetarium really is my home--I feel quite possessive about it at times.  I am in there every Saturday (except next Saturday when I'll be in Chicago, :(--well yeah for Chicago, and I plan to see the Adler Planetarium, but I'll miss ours) and so I have my routine down.  Then during our upcoming Christmas Celebration events (occurring after hours at the Creation Museum) I'm working long shifts--in the Planetarium all day!!  There are times that I absolutely love the schedule.  Dave (our manager) is great about putting me in the Planetarium on busy or important days!  :-)

This week I was schedule in a new place.  Not everyone wants to be there--but I've been asking for a while.  I was in Admissions selling tickets!  I wish that there had been more tickets to sell that day, but I still feel that I'm learning the ropes.  Thankfully Dave told me that he'd try to stick me out in the ticket booth at least once a week.   The novelty might wear off eventually, but I think I'll continue to enjoy it--partially since I'll never be out there every day in a week (I'm always back in the theaters eventually).  Right now it is new, but there will always be something new and challenging.

Well I have to be at work by 08:30 in the morning, so I'm going to sign off for now.  I always like to be early on Saturdays, and especially this day because a group is scheduled to arrive at 8:00.  They don't have a Planetarium show on their schedule, but our Admissions agents will do their best to sell them one.  I want to be ready for them instead of coming in to find that somebody else loaded my theater with a show, ;-).


"A room without books is as a body without a soul." -Cicero


  1. Do you get to be around Ken Ham? Your job sounds so great, Matt.

    Are you going to see your parents at Christmas? I am really looking forward to having Fib and Kate around.

  2. Hey, we were watching a news program on the Family Network and they had a piece on the Museum. I said, "Hey that's Matt's workplace!" I watched for you, but apparently you were either not in that day, or camera shy. : ) It was pretty cool to see the video footage of the place. Have you ever thought that maybe some of the critters there might come to life at night?
