Friday, January 16, 2009

Slightly Chilly

Ask anyone at work, I haven't worn a coat all winter. The only times I'm outside are walking between my car and the building. When I go home I have a remote starter, and I park my car in a garage inside my apartment building, so I don't have to go outside. Today I decided that it might be a good idea to wear a coat while walking inside. I took this picture of my car's temperature gauge once I stopped in the parking lot at work. Yes, that is a negative before the single digit. I thought that friends from California (especially you Mark, ;-)) would enjoy this frigid picture. :-D

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  1. It's been in the 70's and 80's here all week.

    But if you'd rather live back there....

  2. lol...yeah, I just read your 90210 post. I do miss those temperatures some times, especially when we don't get much snow, despite the cold (snow would make it more worth it).

    But the Creation Museum is why I love it here and wouldn't consider moving back to California... One of the scientists here (Dr. Jason Lisle) is apparently speaking at TMC next month...

  3. I think I would take the temperature over the fog we have had. We ended up going to Givens today to thaw our bones out.
