Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today we're going to Dollywood. I'm not sure exactly what to expect, but from what I've head it should be a fun day. I am continuing my pattern of getting into places for free though. When I went to Chicago last I got into the three museums I visited for free (Field Museum, Adler Planetarium, and the Museum of Science and Industry) because of my work at the Cincinnati Museum Center. The Museum Center gives each employee a complimentary membership, and the membership is reciprocal with ASTC and a network of children's museums around the country. I also got into Columbus' COSI when I visited there for my birthday this year.

This trip will be my first time getting into some place because of my work at the Creation Museum. The Creation Museum and Dollywood have a reciprocal arrangement with employees for admission.

It should be a fun day. Sadly on my last trip to Kings Island I discovered that while I really enjoyed roller coasters my inner ear does not. I loved the thrill, but became nauseous after a couple of rides, :(. I wish that I hated the rides or that I could handle them...but no, I get the worst case scenario, wanting to go, but being unable if I want to enjoy the rest of the day. With that in mind I doubt I'll go on any of the actual roller coasters today (my dad has much the same reaction as I do, without the enjoyment, so we wouldn't all be going regardless), but some of the other rides look interesting.

Ah, working for museums is not only very enjoyable, but has great benefits as well! :-)


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