Friday, April 24, 2009

Leaving the Mountains

We are leaving the Smokies today. Vacation isn't quite over, but we're transitioning to a campground further north in Tennessee at Norris Dam State Park. I will miss the national park itself, but much of Pigeon Forge I won't miss. I don't know about others, but I didn't come here for mini-golf or go karts...I came to relax and enjoy the scenery. I think I'd rather drive through Vegas than Pigeon Forge, it is so built up and blatantly commercial. Now don't get me wrong, that isn't inherently a bad thing (I'm a huge fan of capitalism), but I just personally prefer to enjoy the wild. When I want something like this I'll go to Las Vegas or Times Square, NYC, which aren't billed as beautiful nature, ;-). Gatlinburg is at least better because of the narrow canyon. The buildings are closer to the road, designed for foot traffic, and many of them ascetically more pleasing, built in a European mountain theme. Oh well. I'm sure I'll be back at some point in the future, but if I am I'll be back to enjoy the park again. That is what you can't find elsewhere.

I doubt I'll have an active internet connection until I get home. The campground we are going to is part of the Tennessee State Park system, which is nice, but doesn't feature wireless internet. That is fine with me, I don't need internet access when camping, it has just been nice to have so that I can post pictures and blog posts like this (and perhaps check some e-mail, but don't tell anyone that, ;-)).


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