Saturday, May 02, 2009

May Flowers

I just missed posting on May 1. I'm going to blame Bible Study...I was busy at work Friday and headed straight to Bible Study, so I didn't have time to think about the blog. I have been trying to keep up a blog post a day. It is an ambitious goal after my lapse the last couple years...but I hope I can keep it up. I'm also working on a blog for work and that I have to get something up every day, so hopefully working on both will be good for me! :-)

I have been noticing more flowers around and realizing that as I did when on vacation I need to be taking more pictures. I don't have that many good flower shots that I've taken in the past, so I'm going to try to get more. I might even go into work on Monday afternoon (when I'm off), just to take pictures, because I'll have the free time then.



  1. Matt,

    What is the blog for work?


  2. The Creation Museum blog.

  3. I saw that Wretched is coming to your museum. Very sweet!

  4. Yeah, I only recently heard about that, from the events end since I now work with the Program & Events department along with my other work. I've never heard of it before you follow it?
