Friday, May 15, 2009

Political blogs

I compiled the following list for a friend and thought that this would be a great place to share it.  These are some of my favourite political blogs that I try to keep up with.  Some days (or weeks) I'm more successful than others.

Barak Obama's Teleprompter's Blog
Humorous and creative

Big Lizards
Usually long and well thought out posts, not a new entry every day, but worth waiting for.

Bread Upon the Waters
A new blog I picked up shortly after it started by someone just starting to talk up about his conservative beliefs (I think he lives in a very liberal area)

Clayton Cramer's Blog
Clayton is a conservative who lives in Idaho, he frequently blogs on first amendment issues, insanity/mental health, and astronomy

Daniel Hannan's Blog
Daniel is a UK representative to the European Parliament--you may have seen a speech of his on YouTube...he is a very rational voice compared to stereotypical British politicians, frequently speaking out against the excesses of the EU

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
William A. Jacobson has a legal background and writes very insightful commentary

Michael A. Totten
Michael Totten is a self-supported (well donation supported I think, but he isn't with a news organization) foreign correspondent that travels throughout the Middle East, filing firsthand reports from the front lines

Michael Yon: Online Magazine
Michael Yon is another independent correspondent, I haven't read his stuff as much as Totten's

Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin is very prolific, but doesn't put the full story into her RSS feed and I'm usually too lazy to click over for each entry, though they are very good when I do read them.

Patterico's Pontifications
Patterico is a DA in California and he and his frequent guest bloggers have great insight, and he frequently tears into the LA times for its lack of objectivity and other horrible failings, ;-)

The Jury Talks Back
Bloggers here were frequent commentators on Patterico's blog and jumped over this new blog that he established for them.  Ironically it isn't as busy as the main blog, but it has a mix of opinions.

The Only Republican in San Francisco
The author leans libertarian and is very much a free market capitalist, so he has good economic insight into policy decisions.

The Political Huddle
This is another new blog I picked up with about the same time as Bread upon the Waters, he occasionally mixes sports metaphors and news with politics, but even though I really don't care for sports it doesn't bother me.


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