Monday, May 04, 2009


I'll be the first to admit that I have a different definition of relaxing than most. Yes, I did sleep in this morning, but I was awake by seven or eight something and was only able to half-way doze for a couple hours after that--it wasn't real deep sleep.

I'm going to take my car in to be fixed in just a bit, but I've spent the rest of the morning catching up on e-mail and essentially done some work from home. I actually enjoy this (part of the reason I love my job so much), but with my laptop I can access what files and websites I need and can work on a couple of time critical projects as needed, even when I'm "relaxing" at home. :-) Some call me crazy, but I enjoy it.



  1. You're crazy.

    (Not that I needed an excuse.)

  2. How long will your car take to be fixed. I'm glad you are getting it done now.

  3. I might be crazy, but I'd rather be crazy with an awesome job than not crazy... ;-)

    I don't know how long the car will take. I left it at the repair place today and the insurance company will send someone out to look at it within a day or two.
