Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Poetry in progress..

I'd like to write more of this...but I'm not sure when I will. There are two different viewpoints in this poem alternating with the stanzas. Emotionally I want to go with the first, but logically I lean towards the second.

To see the future,
A dream so simple.
Erase uncertainty,
The end of worry.

Yet life holds more,
A greater whole.
The path uncovered,
Trust is abandoned.

Faith is not dead,
Comfort at rest.
Effort not wasted,
Anxiety in check.

Memories are fleeting,
In hindsight precious.
Even the painful,
Part of a mosaic.

I haven't written or posted poetry in a while...almost a year I think. I tend to write when I'm thinking about things quite a bit. It just doesn't flow very easily at other times.


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