Thursday, August 27, 2009

What about School?

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to listen to an excellent sermon at church. Right now our pastor is going through what he calls various "hot button" issues that have the potential to divide churches and believers. This past week his topic was "School Choice."

I went through public school all the way through high school and then went to a private Christian college. When at college I met many people that I now count very good friends. Quite a number of them were home-schooled. It has always been interesting to me to see the different camps. Several of my siblings home school or alternatively school their kids, for various reasons. I know what man of these are and I think they've made the right choice. Similarily I think my parents made the right choice to send me to public school. I was in a very conservative school district and had several teachers that were Christians (including my biology teacher!).

I won't ruin the message, but the main point is that Scripture isn't dogmatic on how children must be educated (i.e. Private school, public school, or home school). But don't take my word for it. Download the sermon and listen for yourself! (Let me know if the link is no longer active and I can send you an .mp3 I saved)

If you can listen please let me know what you think!


1 comment:

  1. As someone who attended all three schooling methods at some point in his school career, I come down firmly in the it depends on the parents, the kids, the schools in the area, and many other things camp.
