Sunday, September 27, 2009

Home away

Well it is wedding season around the Creation Museum. Yesterday Tish was married. I'm currently housesitting for her and watching her cat. I miss my books, but I have Internet access and TV... I just need to make sure that I don't veg out too much in front of the TV.

Today I had to do a bit of shopping and get a haircut as another friend (Edana) is getting married next Saturday. All of my dress clothes are a bit old as I hate shopping for clothes and clothes you don't wear often don't wear out that quickly.

This will be an interesting week. I'm going to be off Friday and Saturday and I won't be working at all on Saturday. Additionally we switch uniforms on Thursday. Our summer and formerly only shirt color is goldenrod. For October and November we will be wearing black shirts. I as usual ordered five shirts so I would have to do as little laundry as possible.


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2009 iWolff Ltd.

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