Thursday, September 24, 2009

Is there any news?

Yes, I know that I've been mainly photoblogging this week. This week was due to a trip through the Creation Museum Botanical gardens earlier this week. One day during lunch I strolled through the gardens and snapped a few pictures, which I immediately blogged from my iPhone. They weren't long on text, but it was an easy way to share several days worth of pictures without having to find a new one each morning. I don't expect to keep doing this, as I'd like to have a nice mix of pictures up here instead of just a batch of similar ones each week.

Today I'm sitting at home (though I've had a few calls and e-mails about work already, ;-)), and relaxing. It is a slightly rainy day, but with no blowing I'm in my living room with open windows enjoying the weather. I can hear cars driving by on the wet road and occasionally the sound of rain falling. I just wish that I had bigger windows and perhaps a fireplace (though for the second option cooler weather would be required).

I just started a new book last night that is turning out to be rather interesting. I found it at the library on the shelf that is part of their permanent book sale (they have several book sales a year, and then two shelves that always have cheap books on them). It is called Pirates of Pensacola and appears to be a humorous tale of modern-day pirates (not like the real pirates off Somalia or Indonesia--but a la the Pirates of the Caribbean romanticized version).


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