Friday, September 18, 2009

No camera for you

Well, as I've said I am loving my iPhone, but there are a couple of issues. Yesterday when I started plugging it into my computer it caused a blue screen of death! After consulting with Dr. Google (thanks to Howard Taylor for that appellation) I realized that the pictures I had taken with the camera were causing the problem. When I plug my iPhone into the computer, Windows registers it as a camera, starts to load drivers, and then crashes. I think there must be something more to it as I remember when I first had the phone Windows read it as a camera with no problems... But I don't have time to experiment any more, so I have removed the pictures and will henceforth just be taking pictures to blog them. Once they go up on this blog I'll delete the originals. 'Tis sad, but that is why I have an actual camera and am not relying on my iPhone to meet my photographic addiction.



  1. I wonder if he is related to Professor Google.

  2. I think they might be twins... ;-)

    I've heard Howard use both in his podcasts. I just started listening, but I'm about half-way through season one of Writing Excuses. 'Tis good stuff...

  3. Thanks for reminding me about those. I will listen for awhile, get busy and then forget about them. They are really good. I am getting so good at slaying my darlings.
