Saturday, September 19, 2009

Time Out

Tonight I got to watch little kids. I do enjoy little kids, which I suppose is a good thing with the number of nieces and nephews (or nerfs) that I have. Tonight my friend Tish and I babysat children of people from AiG as we do once a month. Two of the kids are toddlers and really starting to talk...but there were also two younger ones. I got to hold one most of the night as he was slightly fussy. At one point he fell asleep while I was holding him, and that is always cool.

I'm tired now and heading off to bed, but it was well worth it. It is just too bad that all of Laurie's (my half-way-to-ninety-years-old sister who lives across the street) rugrats are older now. The youngest must be in fourth grade. They're still fun to be with, but in a different way than babies and toddlers. I have fond memories of babysitting my young nephews and niece while I was in college. I even got to see my niece McKenna a couple hours after she was born.


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