Sunday, September 13, 2009

Yeah for Blogging

Okay, does it count as a blog post to blog about blogging? ;-)

I just realized that I've kept a post a day for one week now (actually today is the eighth day). I've done that in the past, but it has been a long time. I'm really hoping that I'll remember to continue.

My blog stats are somewhat dismal over the past few years. I only posted nine times in all of 2008, and those were all between June and August. I'm sure a few people thought my blog was dead then, and it very nearly was.

I don't know what was great about 2006 (my best year so far with 270 posts), but it may have been because I was closer to the start--but I would hate to think that a plunge into obscurity is inevitable.

I do enjoy the fact that my blog posts port to Facebook now because people will comment in both places--some people see my Facebook posts that never see my blog. There are other people that will comment on some posts via Facebook, and some on Blogger. I never know where the next comment will come from.

I enjoy reading old blog posts and seeing the old pictures, but comments are one of the main reasons to blog. I enjoy interacting with the readers in the comments, or at least seeing what they think about what I've written. So to the few people out there reading, thanks for what you do, and please keep it up. Also try to keep me honest as I say that I'm hoping to keep posting every day.


PS I did use quite a few "I"s in that post didn't I? But I guess that is allowed in something as self-reflective as this is, ;-), eh?

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are blogging more. In enjoy reading what you write.

