Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Trying to Fall

Fall back asleep that is. I woke up sometime in the last hour and can't get back asleep.

I've tried reading, but unsurprisingly that doesn't work. The only times that I fall asleep reading are when I'm extremely tired. There have been many times that I have stayed awake many hours past midnight to finish a good book. Reading is too enjoyable to cause me to sleep.

I am not sure what I'll do to get back asleep but it may just come down to quietly waiting for sleep while my mind unfortunately keeps racing. I wish I could just stop thinking of anything but sleep--yet that doesn't work either...


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2009 iWolff Ltd.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun. That is what happens as you get older. You are awake early, or for several hours in the night.

