Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Useless Mode

Yes, at long last a blog post not typed on my iPhone, ;-).

I am realizing that I do have a time when "useless mode" hits. In college my friend Jeremiah often said that after a certain time (I don't remember exactly when it was...nine or ten?) he couldn't play chess any more as he would make too many stupid moves or not remember proper strategy. I've always been one to stay up late and if necessary getting up early (skimping on sleep). But right now it is shortly after midnight, and I'm feeling that I am approaching the limit of my ability to work on work. Eventually I'll start falling asleep over the keyboard and won't be able to do anything more useful. Sadly that moment will probably come sooner rather than later, and I do have a project I need to finish either before I go to bed or before I leave for work in the morning... I guess I'd better stop blogging and get back to work.


1 comment:

  1. I so relate, Matt. It is 1:42am according to my computer and my pumpkin thing that I am making for the first time (no eggs, no milk)is taking forever to bake. I want to go to bed, but it wouldn't be prudent before the thing is done. Sigh...

    It better be good.
