Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa's visit

There were no cookies ready so Santa got cinnamon rolls.

Full stockings

What Santa left behind (the reindeer nibbled the carrot):

The mode of entry

Physical evidence:

Santa's letter


PS Please don't reply with a comment on the advisability of telling kids about Santa. I know the arguments and probably wouldn't tell my kids (if I have kids someday), but that is all beside the point here. My brother-in-law "does" Santa with his kids, so I help them out.

-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2009 iWolff Ltd.

Location:Highland Ave,Fort Mitchell,United States


  1. I want to know who actually nibbled the orange vegetable? Did your knife carve it...or did you succomb to the temptation after all these years and just eat it?

    the pest

  2. I had nothing to do with any eating of carrots! I think the teeth that nibbled it were about twenty years older than mine. :-D

  3. What a sweet letter. Cinnamon rolls are a very nice touch.

  4. why don't you vist hotels?
    your nephew TK
