Monday, January 04, 2010

California, Here I Come

I'll be heading back to California for a short visit in a week's time. I'm reminded of the song, California, Here I Come: "California, here I come right back where I started from..." I heard that quite often as the theme of the PBS show "California's Gold."

I'm going back to visit the Master's College and the Truth and Life Conference. I'll be staying with my sister Erin and I'm really looking forward to seeing her kids. I spent quite a bit of time with them when I was going to college and haven't seen them much in the five years since I moved to Kentucky.

However, there are many things that I need to wrap up at work before I can go. I'm working late tonight to get some stuff done, and the rest has to be done by the end of the week (along with packing) as I'll be working Thursday through Sunday and then leaving on Monday. The nice thing is that it will be easy to pack. I've barely worn a coat out here--usually only when the temperature (or wind chill) is below 10ยบ and I know it won't be anywhere close to that in California.

There are quite a few friends that aren't in California any more, but a few that are still there (yes Mark, I want to hang out with you) that I'm looking forward to seeing. I'd also like to talk to some of my professors that I haven't seen in years. I got to know some of them rather well in the years that I was a TA for the History Department and yet I haven't really kept in touch.

Well, back to work for a while...


  1. Your neice and nephews are excited for your visit.

    the pest

  2. Hey,
    Your neices in Idaho would love to have you come visit them. So would their mom!

    Have a great time in California.

