Friday, January 08, 2010


So I've posted a bit about this on Facebook, but nothing on my blog as of yet. I've recently (within the past few days) gotten hooked on the TV show Chuck. I had several friends tell me about this show, but I never developed that much interest...I never even tried watching it actually. But I'm glad that I changed my mind.

Yes, it is over the top at times, but it is fun, and funny. It reminds me of Alias in its crazy portrayal of espionage, but the humour makes it more believable or easier to digest. When the show is as funny as it is I don't care as much if credulity is strained.

So I've been watching several shows a day and I hope to have Season Two finished by Sunday so that I can watch the two hour premier of Season Three. It really won't be a hardship to lose some sleep to such a fun undertaking. Of course then the problem I have is that I have to wait a week for each new episode...sigh... I haven't been regularly watching any television this season, but this year I'm going to at least be watching Chuck and Lost. I doubt I'll have time for anything more (especially since my TV isn't capable of getting a signal), but those should be good enough.

I'm just not sure what I'll do Monday evening since that is the day I fly into California. Hmm...


1 comment:

  1. I have often described this show as Alias if it didn't take itself so seriously.

    Glad you're enjoying it.
