Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Easy Dinner

Last night I got home from work and didn't feel like going anywhere. I hadn't felt like stopping anywhere on the way home either. I haven't been grocery shopping in a while so I'm out of cheese, milk, and butter--this limited some of the easy things I could cook (no macaroni and cheese for example). Finally I decided to cook some egg noodles I've had for quite a while. Then I cooked a couple pounds of ground beef and mixed it with pizza sauce--a jar from my fridge I'd forgotten about and one in the pantry. I'm sure it would be better with actual shredded cheese, but I mixed the noodles and meat/sauce together and topped it all with Kraft Parmesan cheese. It wasn't that bad. I just heated up some of the leftovers for lunch (well somewhat breakfast--I didn't get up that long ago, ;-)) and have more that I can take into work for a few days. I think though that if I go shopping today (my day off) I will buy some cheese and top the other containers of leftovers.


1 comment:

  1. It sounds good, but cheese would make it better.

