Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just two

There were only two kids at Time Out, but it was a good time. I got to hold the younger one and when he started crying after having been asleep for a while I picked him back up and he fell asleep while I held him. :-) I like little kids.

I know that kids are hard work and can be a pain (personal experience there--no comments Mom, ;-)) but I hope I get to have kids someday. Yes sisters who comment annonymously I know I have to get married first. Someday...


-- Posted from my iPhone
(c) 2010 iWolff Ltd.


  1. I guess that last statement doesn't apply to me as I always sign my name. :)

    Enjoy my son for the week.


  2. Emily posted a comment signed as Cheryl? ;-)

    Normally you and Erin show up as anonymous as an ID even if you do sign a name.

  3. Yeah, Emily was signed in, but I couldn't figure out how to switch without losing my comment.


  4. Welllll,
    Whatcha waiting for?
    We would love to be auntie to your kids before we're in wheel chairs.

    The pest
