Friday, January 01, 2010

The New Year

I'm not going to post a year in review, or talk about my blog for the past year (though I am excited I've kept up the pace over the past few months, even if many posts have been light on text, coming from my iPhone). I'm somewhat sad, yet also excited, that the Creation Museum's Christmas Program is almost over. This will mean that I won't have to work late nights for a while, but they've also been a fun time. Additionally I know the clean-up and after-action meetings will take some time.

Right now I just want to relax for a while, but that won't happen. I have to get things ready so that I can take off in a week. I'm leaving on the 11th for California. I'm going to the Truth and Life Conference at my alma mater, The Master's College. It should be a good time to meet up with some friends (including professors) that I haven't seen in far too long. But there is much to prepare before I can take off...

I do have a post I want to put up rather soon. Dan Mangus, the senior director of operations at the Creation Museum turned 50 on the 31st so I and some other conspirators determined to make it a day that he would never forget. I think we succeeded...I'll have pictures and more of an explanation soon.


PS I haven't written 2009 yet this year...I wonder how I'll mess it up first...

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