Thursday, January 07, 2010

Snow is Falling

Yep, snow is falling. It is a beautiful day and I had a decent drive in. The roads weren't really that bad and I kept my speed down on the highway.

Obviously it is a slow day at the Museum, but I'm more than happy to be able to grab snow shots. I've put up an album on the Museum's Facebook page as well as a blog entry (yes, my titles are very imaginative, ;-)) with some early shots. If I get home early enough I'll try to take some snowy shots of my place and my sister's house--or I'll see if I can get some tomorrow morning before I leave for work. The last forecast I saw didn't show the temperature coming above freezing until Monday, so this snow should still all be here when I leave for California.

As I said previously I am looking forward to packing for California--the only coat I'll take is a windbreaker/rain jacket. The warm weather will be nice, but the cold doesn't bother me that much, and I do really enjoy seeing beautiful snowfall like that which is coming down today.

I'm not sure what I intended the above shot to look like, but I think it turned out well. It clearly shows the grounds blanketed in white, yet in focus you see the buildup of snow on the railing. The angle isn't straight, but where would the fun in that be? ;-)


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