Thursday, February 25, 2010

Aussie in the Main Hall

On slow winter days the Creation Museum Petting Zoo has been opening later than it does normally.  However, when the snow is thick on the ground it has actually been closed a few days.  The animals are still out, but if the paths aren't cleared people can get to the zoo.

People often wonder if the animals do okay in the cold weather and most of them do.  Gomer the camel doesn't need any special treatment.  Do you know how cold deserts can get at night?  They aren't all hot and beating sunshine.  As far as I know the other animals are either okay in the cold or have some minor accommodations made.

On one of these days a few animals were brought into the Museum so that guests could see them. I grabbed some shots of Skippy the wallaby.  He is much larger than when I first photographed him many months ago.  Apparently though he does still have some growing to do.  It will be interesting to photograph him again when he is closer to his full size.

Here are a couple images from March 2009:


1 comment:

  1. What a delightful creature! I love his scrawny baby pictures too.
