Saturday, February 06, 2010

Awesome Apps

Yeah, there's an app for that. I'm still enjoying my iPhone--and occasionally I get service at my desk--a text will come in and I can even reply back before it vanishes again. I don't understand the logic. That isn't really the phone's fault, however, but that of AT&T. I'm hoping the rumours I've heard about them improving their network are true. I get great reception other places I regularly go (except for church and I'm okay with no service there), even the Museum Center.

Recently I downloaded the app Siri which is pretty amazing. It is essentially a digital personal assistant. Using speech to text capabilities and other features it will tell you where to find the nearest hotel, or movie, or other event. It will even lead you to where you can reserve tables, buy tickets, or otherwise make use of the information it has gathered into your capable hands.

Several days ago I downloaded a TouchMouse app from Logitech. I was only able to use it after installing the program that allows interaction with the computer. This is pretty cool. I thought it would just be a curiosity, but I've actually begun using it. It is like a very mobile and sensative touch pad. I won't trade in my wireless mouse, but in some ways it can be nicer to use. When I don't have a flat surface on which to use the mouse it is definitely easier.


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