Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Day After Wednesday

Thursdays are a bit strange these days, or at least I'm having to get accustomed to their pattern.  I'm off every Wednesday (until mid-May) because of my work on the Gold exhibit.  But because I'm working at the Museum Center I can't visit the Creation Museum on my day off (as I often do).  I don't always visit, but sometimes I do--or at least I know I can.  Now I know that I cannot on Wednesday.  This makes Thursday an interesting day.

While it may be boring for Gold to be slow I am glad that I have enough time to keep up with e-mail and other minor matters.  If I didn't have my iPhone I'd be hurting due to the loss of contact, ;-).  Please realize that I'm not complaining--I got myself into this situation.  All I am saying is that it is interesting...  Thursday I just have to adjust to being back at my desk after a day of work that was completely different.


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